CCTV Camera Systems & Digital CCTV IP Technology
We are able to provide cost effective digital technology systems ranging from single camera units to networked multi-site systems. Our systems can control any amount of cameras around the globe with a simple click of a button, with all the quality and reassurance of digital technology.
From fixed cameras to pan & tilt and even dome cameras with powerful zoom lenses capable of picking out a number plate at distances greater than a mile away, we have the technology, resources and skills in-house to meet your requirements.
• Digital Technology
• ANPR Automatic Number Plate Reading
• Multi Site Networked
• Integration to Other Technologies
• From Concept to Completion
• Turnkey Projects
Secure Monitoring Centre
CCTV Systems can be linked into our secure monitoring centre to monitor your site 24 hours a day to detect an intruder entering a protected area. The system automatically detects movement and notifies our secure monitoring centre who can communicate with the person, follow them on the ground and liaise with security and emergency personnel to effect instant results, with every instance being recorded for evidential purposes.
Additionally CCTV can be used as an excellent management tool, providing up-to-the-minute information from around your premises. We can interface with other systems, for instance to open and close gates, turn lights on or off or monitor remote stations. The only limit to our abilities is our imagination.

CCTV Systems from Conception to Completion
EDS have the in-house skills to provide a complete turnkey package. From initial concept to completion, organising planning consents, local power, communications and utilities companies, to installation of groundworks and delivery of street furniture such as columns and gantrys. The final leg is to design and supply all the necessary desk consoles and control room furniture, control and monitoring equipment and infrastructure, wiring and connectivity.
We have the experience, knowledge and know-how to do the same for you, on time and within budget.
Town Centre CCTV Systems
We have a wide range of cameras available, from small covert cameras to static cameras and from dome cameras to vandal proof cameras. We can even provide harsh environment cameras to withstand vandal damage and explosion proof cameras for use in highly volatile environments.
For those challenging applications that demand a camera with the ability to produce a good picture even under poor lighting conditions, we have a suitable array of high quality colour cameras for day and night operation to suit every applications. Compact, robust construction makes these cameras ideal for all types of surveillance both internal and external.
EDS monitors offer clear high resolution pictures and a huge range of shapes and sizes, from the traditional boxed monitors to flat screen displays and high resolution plasma, LCD & TFT display walls up to 62” displays as an individual display.
For large displays of multiple images we are able to supply a monitor wall where individual monitors can be built into a large array of displays. Alternatively a projector based display can be employed, showing switching images with a variety of inputs from news stations and weather reports keeping your environment up-to-date.

Not being tied to any one manufacturer allows us to offer you unbiased advice based on our experience and a system to meet your requirements.
Our range of DVRs offer intuitive interfaces, allowing easy local user operation and IP connectivity to provide remote monitoring and system configuration capabilities. We have options ranging from a simple single channel unit recording a single camera to fully integrated system based DVRs with terabytes of storage.
The DVR’s internal hard disks provide high quality, continuous digital recording, with an option to record images in real-time. High quality image recordings are accessible locally from a single button selection or via a powerful network based browser facility for remote users and operators. Variable alarm configuration allows remote notification of alarms via a variety of communication channels. There is support for pre-event alarm recording to ensure sufficient images are captured before the incident occurs and high quality bi-directional network audio provides on-site communication.
An on-board DVD writer provides a quick and easy solution for copying images to DVD or CD media. Optional external storage facilities are available, from RAID based storage devices to server networks, to maintain a high degree of data integrity and archiving, all with digital watermarking to help identify and eliminate any tampering with recorded images.
Multiple monitors, monitor walls or system matrix can be configured and connected to the DVR to allow several images from different sites to be viewed on the monitors. By using triplex recording technology the live multi-screen viewing and playback of images does not interrupt pre-recorded multiplex recording.
Motion detection systems can be configured to change the recording rate of the DVR into real-time for alarm instances or generate an alarm condition and signal the monitoring centre that an alarm event has occurred.
CCTV Camera Systems & Digital CCTV IP Technology
CCTV over IP is fast becoming the benchmark for CCTV systems in that it provides the connectivity of the remote cameras with the convenience of connecting to a server or web based browser, allowing secure access from wherever your site is based – around the globe.
One of the main benefits of using IP cameras is that they can be much more easily integrated into other systems and are not limited to a single location.
A digital video recorder can be connected to a network to then allow the images to be sent and received over your LAN or even the internet.
Existing analogue cameras can be converted to IP cameras using a video server connected to each camera or by using a digital video recorder to convert the analogue video signals to IP video data signals for transmitting over a computer network. This provides an easy upgrade path to a digital IP CCTV system without the need to replace the cameras.

ANPR – Automatic Number Plate Recognition Systems
The number of installations of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) systems for public safety has dramatically increased over the last few years, as it has proven a leading edge technology in the fight against crime.
The ANPR system is simple in principle in that it captures all vehicle data at a given time and date, including registration numbers and details of the vehicle like the make, model, year and colour, as well as overview images of vehicles and occupants. This information is then fed into a database which analyses the information and carries out transactions based on predetermined actions. In the case of a Police linked system the vehicle can be checked for road tax, MOT, insurance and whether the vehicle or its occupants are wanted, and then take appropriate action.
It’s not only national police and security forces across the UK and globe that are utilising this technology any more. As it has become more affordable, organisations large and small are now realising the real benefits of employing this type of technology.
Organisations can now employ this technology to verify vehicles entering a premises and allow or disallow access or only allow access to certain areas of a facility. The system can also be personalised to make corporate visitors feel welcome; when a client arranges to visit a supplier’s premises the client’s vehicle registration number can be entered into the system. Once the client arrives at the facility’s gatehouse, the ANPR system reads the vehicle registration number and a display shows a custom welcome message to direct your guest to a designated parking spot.
ANPR can easily be integrated into existing public space CCTV systems, providing a cost effective method of deploying ANPR technology. Additional use can be derived from existing infrastructure that is already in place, thus realising an immediate cost saving.
Existing CCTV systems can switch between crime and disorder systems and ANPR systems by the use of built-in technology and preset controls within the CCTV system. Hot spots can be created to target specific areas of a city centre, for example a busy carriageway to check for stolen vehicles or vehicles without tax or insurance.
The ANPR system will provide automatic visual and audible alarms when a captured vehicle registration number matches an entry on the system’s databases. All activities are recorded to include the vehicle registration number, an overview of the vehicle together with any tagged information appertaining to that vehicle. The system database can be searched post event to locate certain movements of vehicles at certain times. As long as the vehicle has been captured the images and relevant information will be stored within the database.

CCTV Camera Systems & Digital CCTV IP Technology
EDS are able to integrate any number of systems into one homogenous system. Utilising our in-house skills and experience we are able to combine many different systems on non-standard formats into one user friendly front end.
Integration can be a simple interfacing of two separate systems such as a CCTV system and an access control system, providing a linked system where images are flagged up when a user presents their card at an access controlled door. We can also provide a fully integrated system utilising a Building Management System (BMS) to operate lifts, lighting, heating and security systems all from one control point. The location is irrelevant as the operator can be connected to the building by means of external networks, operating as if he were on site.

Metal Mickey Dome Camera
The Metal Mickey dome camera is one of the toughest fully functional dome cameras available. Machined from 6mm thick aluminium, the Metal Mickey is resistant to impact from stones, bricks, air gun pellets and even shotguns.
The unit incorporates integral pan and tilt motor drive units. As an optional extra the unit can be supplied with a ballistic grade glass viewing window. It is available in stainless steel and by working while totally submersed in water it meets the requirements for installation in marine and other extreme environments.
The Metal Mickey dome camera is a combined colour and monochrome unit. This product can be switched from high resolution colour to low light monochrome, enabling users to have the best of both; colour during the day and low light monochrome at night. With an 18:1 zoom lens the camera can give facial and number plate recognition at up to 88.2m without digital zoom.
These vandal resistant cameras can move at 90 degrees per second and offer 360 degrees continuous rotation. Each camera has at least 64 presets enabling automatic programming. The controller joystick has a variable speed control and user friendly zoom facility. With automatic tours and pre-set positions, one Metal Mickey dome damera often replaces a number of static cameras for external surveillance.
An operator can take control of the dome camera to zoom into an area which needs closer inspection, with pre-programmed or blanked out privacy zones being hidden from view. This is especially useful when surveillance needs to cover private or highly secure areas.

Covert CCTV Camera Hire
Employee and staff collaboration is a major factor affecting organisations. EDS has many years’ experience in providing covert or hidden CCTV camera systems to give our clients the evidential information needed to act upon. The excellent results our systems provide can be used in a Court of Law.
EDS have extensive knowledge in the way criminals operate in carrying out fraudulent activities, from monitoring the on-site activity of security personnel to the monitoring of teams of staff collaborating together to defraud a company.
Covert CCTV provides an unbiased view of events as they occur and is operational 24 hours a day, every day. Covert CCTV can be used in such areas as; health & safety breaches, employment legislation, staff thefts & stock shortages, missing funds, abuse of company materials, equipment, plant or services without authority, loss of earnings, missing plant or equipment, company data or information being sold to competitors.
This service is totally covert and confidentiality is guaranteed, even down to paperwork. We attend site and carry out a discreet survey out of hours if required. Our engineers arrive in plain vehicles and install the equipment totally discreetly and leave the area exactly as we found it, vacuuming up and replacing everything in the exact same place so as not to arouse suspicion, all at a convenient time to fit in with the normal working environment.
Once a covert CCTV system is deployed to monitor an area, the results are normally instant, catching culprits red handed and giving you the valuable unbiased information you need, which can then be used in a Court of Law.
The systems can be wired or wireless and installed at local or remote sites. We can alternatively provide links to our monitoring centre to view live monitoring of real time events as they happen.
We are able to offer a short term hire facility, providing any amount of equipment to cover all eventualities. For example we can provide coverage to a plant yard for a weekend, provide a multi-camera installation for functions and events to monitor crowd safety and security, covert installations, and staff and employee monitoring.

Service, Maintenance & Repairs
EDS can maintain any type of existing system, providing on-site and workshop repairs to any make of systems. With a large stockholding of spare parts we can turn around repairs rapidly.
Routine Maintenance
Regular maintenance is fundamental to ensure your systems operate as effectively as when they were first installed, we are able to provide competitive quotation for maintenance of new and any type of existing system.