Warden & Nurse Call Systems

Warden & Nurse Call Systems
EDS designs and installs nurse and warden call systems for professional care institutions, sheltered housing accommodation and residential homes.
We have a comprehensive range of easy to use products, with calls being made from individual rooms, WCs or communal areas by simply pressing a button or pulling a cord. We can also provide wireless remote systems with voice transmission and location finding technology.
Mobile calls can be made by clients using either a neck or belt worn emergency personal transmitter unit.
There are several built-in options available with the EDS range of patients and staff calling systems, with four or more levels of alert and alarm conditions that can be initiated from the range of nurse call points; patient-to-nurse, nurse-to-nurse, crash alarm and staff attack.
The room’s identity is then displayed on the indicator panels at the nurse base stations. They can also be sent to radio pagers for staff who are on the move. Staff can register their presence in a room, allowing other staff members to locate them. Another feature enables staff to log their attendance, or visit, to a room when carrying out regular checks, therefore ensuring an audit trail is maintained.
• State of the Art Care Systems
• Wireless Remote Systems
• Full Event Details for the Carer
• Page Facility – All Call Points
• Hands Free Two-Way Audio Communication
• Multi Level Alarms
Warden & Nurse Call Systems – Control Panel
The control panel is an addressable nurse call system designed to work on a simple electronic network.
A control panel is usually sited in the main reception with a second unit being installed within the care manager’s accommodation. Alternatively the use of a portable receiver can be employed, which the duty manager or duty nurse would carry with them when on call. Paging transmitters can be interfaced with the control panel to send calls to pagers carried by members of staff.
The control panel receives the call and displays the room number or identity of the remote user. The call is registered on the control panel and can be transmitted to remote pagers and remains active until attended by a member of staff.
Upon an alert or alarm, condition text can be displayed on the control panel, providing information such as the room’s name so staff don’t have to remember numeric codes. This information is programmed into the system during the installation and commissioning stage and can be easily changed at any time by using a programming unit. This gives the flexibility to keep the nurse call system up-to-date when rooms have a change of use.
The indicator panels use a large style LCD display where two rows of text are illuminated. Each indicator panel has an integral sounder and includes a mute switch to silence the call tone for a pre-determined period.
The unit displays two calls simultaneously and if more calls are made, the display can be scrolled to show each call in turn. Differing call tones let the staff know what level of alarm call has been initiated. There is also the faciity to adjust the settings of the display for day/night time volumes and mute delay, with an option to isolated the unit to prevent misuse.

Warden & Nurse Call Systems – Call Units
A call point is required for every individual call location on the system. A socket on the front of the call point accepts inputs from a wide range of triggering devices such as hand held leads, pressure mats and portable radio triggers.
When a call point is activated, a call signal is sent to the system control panels, where both the unit number and name and the cause of the alarm are displayed on the panel. At the same time, the sounder is triggered, emitting one of several distinct tones to indicate the urgency of the call. This can be regulated so as not to disturb residents, particularly at night.
Calls can only be cancelled by attending the calling room or location from which it originated, which is a requirement of the Health Authority and Social Service Departments. A magnetic reset option is also available, which only allows the reset function to be activated by the use of a magnetic key.
All calls made will be held within the system’s memory until cancelled, with the most urgent of these taking priority.

Pear Push & Pull Cord Switches, Infra-Red Remote Trigger Devices
Pear Push Switches
The pear push switches are designed to be connected to a wall mounted call point device and provide the user interface to the system. The pear push devices can be repalced at any time without the need to re-program the system or the device itself, as the individual address comes from the wall unit.
Pull Cord Switches
Specifically developed to give alarms from within toilet and bathroom areas, the pull cord switches are usually mounted on the ceiling and allow the user or resident to attract immediate attention.
Twin LED indicator lights give the user or resident an immediate visual indication that their call has been successfully generated and provides assurance to the resident that the call is being actioned.
The cords can easily be washed or replaced to maintain high standards of hygeine and can be altered to suit the length of the ceiling accordingly.
Infra-Red Remote Trigger Devices
These are designed to be worn by residents or staff and enable calls to be generated remotely from the call points.
This is ideal in lounges or common rooms where each resident can be given a trigger to allow access to the call system. The infra-red remote trigger devices require an infra-red enabled call point to operate. This is installed locally within the protected area and can be used to identify the call location and the individual caller’s ID or name.

Room to Room Communicators
The room communicator allows the intercom speech path to be initiated to a room without the room having called first, extending the capabilities of the system into warden-controlled establishments.
The unit is very simple to use, with the desired room selected using the rotary control on the front panel.
In addition, general announcements such as lunch times can be made from the unit and sent to all locations. The room communicator is used in conjunction with main control panel displays to show and sound for calls from the rooms.

Overdoor Light & Corridor Light Boards
Overdoor light
Overdoor lights are normally positioned above doors in a corridor to indicate the status of the call point within each room.
The overdoor light can also be used to monitor several call points for end of corridor indication, or as a “follow me” light.
Each unit is fitted with twin ultra-bright LEDs which mimic the reassurance indicator on the call points and is also available with an integral sounder alarm buzzer.
Corridor LED Display Unit
Designed for larger homes and hospitals, the corridor LED display unit features a large LED display that can be clearly seen and read from 5 metres away, so busy staff can easily see who is calling at a glance.
Call information is clearly displayed in full alphanumeric text on the 16 character illuminated display and a built-in audible tone alerts staff to the call.

Alphanumeric Pager Transmitter
An alphanumeric paging transmitter is used in conjunction with the system to send text-based messages to the staff, showing them the precise location where assistance is required.
It can be configured to work as an on-site paging system with connections to a PC or telephone system and is supplied with the necessary interface units, connection leads and an internal/external aerial.

Door Monitoring Access Control Point
These can be optionally installed to protect fire doors, entrance and exit doors or other sensitive areas
The door monitoring access control point is controlled with a key switch or key token, which performs all functions when brought near the token detection area on the front panel.
The unit also features an integral 20 second exit timer with audible bleep and mode jumper to prevent sensitive or dangerous exit doors being permanently left open.

Online Real-Time Printing & Software Solutions
Online Printing & Paging
An online printer can be linked to the system to provide an audit trail of all activities and to provide a permanent printed record together with date and time of any event. The interface unit allows you to connect a wide range of printers and alphanumeric pagers. Pagers can be configured to display calls made on the system as they would appear on the display unit, which means that staff can carry on with their work without having to worry about missing calls. Pagers can also be specially configured to only receive certain calls, or calls at specific times of the day.
System Site Management Software
This allows you to record and store all system activity on your PC. The management software is the ideal solution, giving you immediate access to the call history of a resident, so you can maintain more accurate and timely control of your care home. Staff pagers can also be controlled from your computer, allowing free text messages to be sent to individual pagers.

Existing Systems
EDS can maintain any type of existing system, providing on-site and workshop repairs to any make of systems. With a large stockholding of spare parts we can turn around repairs rapidly.
Routine Maintenance
Regular maintenance is fundamental to ensure your systems operate as effectively as when they were first installed, we are able to provide competitive quotation for maintenance of new and any type of existing system.